Case Reports

Necrotising enterocolitis complicated by gastrocolic and jejunocolic fistulas

N Mahomed, R Swartz


Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a major cause of abdominal emergencies in premature newborns While NEC is commonly associated with stricture formation occuring in approxiamately 25% of cases, enteric fistulisation is a rare complication of NEC with only isolated reports in the literature

As the survival rate of infants with severe NEC is improving the incidence of complications like enteric fistulas will increase. Symptoms in an infant following the resolution of NEC, with a nonspecific bowel gas pattern on plain film should raise the possibility of an existing fistula, prompting appropriate investigation and treatment of this significant complication.

Authors' affiliations

N Mahomed, University of Witwatersrand

R Swartz, University of Witwatersrand

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South African Journal of Child Health 2010;4(4):114.

Article History

Date submitted: 2010-08-28
Date published: 2010-12-08

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